• The image is a colorful illustration of an artist's cluttered workspace. The text reads "HELLO my name is KIDCRAYON HONOUR AMONGST THIEVES."  A person in a red tracksuit and cap sits in the center, holding a gaming console. The room is filled with art supplies, graffiti, posters, and scattered items, creating a chaotic yet creative environment.
  • The image consists of two pages from a book.  The left page shows a view of a waterfront town with buildings and a body of water. Overlaid on this scene is blue graffiti text that reads "KID CRAYON one."  The right page depicts a narrow alleyway with brick walls covered in graffiti. At the bottom, there's white graffiti text that says "CRAYON," with decorative elements surrounding it.
  • Two-page spread showing a man playing classic arcade games. Left page focuses on him playing a colorful pinball machine with themes from 'The Mandalorian.' Right page shows him playing 'Mortal Kombat' arcade game, set against a pixelated video game scene background.
  • Two-page spread from 'Honour Amongst Thieves' by Kid Crayon. The left page features a collage of various street art stickers and tags with different designs and text. The right page is a black-and-white illustration titled 'DINING BENEATH THE BRIDGE,' depicting a woman leaning over a bridge with a train passing underneath. The illustration includes stylized text and a hand making a peace sign.
  • Two-page spread from 'Honour Amongst Thieves' by Kid Crayon. The left page shows three street art murals: one with two people posing, another with the text 'KID CRAYON' and a character, and a third with 'EAT CREW' and dinosaur illustrations. The right page features a repeating pattern of a person spray painting with 'EAT' on the can and 'Honour Amongst Thieves' on the hoodie.
  • Two-page spread from 'Honour Amongst Thieves' by Kid Crayon. The left page shows a close-up of a Raphael-themed art piece, resembling a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle head on a pizza. Text above describes a collaboration with London-based artist Choots. The right page features a stylized bear figure wearing a blue mask and black jacket with 'EAT CREW' written on it, set against a gritty, industrial background.

Honour Amongst Thieves - Kid Crayon. Behind The Scenes Of A Street Artist From Bristol

Regular price £12.00

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Discover "Honour Amongst Thieves" - An Artistic Journey Through Bristol's Streets

Step into a world where artistry meets urban charm with "Honour Amongst Thieves," part of the acclaimed "Hello My Name Is" series. Explore the captivating streetscapes of Bristol through the eyes of Kid Crayon, the mastermind behind whimsical characters and vibrant murals. This artist monograph immerses you in a fusion of rebellion, creativity, and nostalgia, showcasing Kid Crayon’s jaw-dropping artwork that breathes life into the city.

"Honour Amongst Thieves" is a visual feast celebrating the power of imagination, leaving you inspired and in awe of the transformative magic found within its pages. Unlock the secrets of Kid Crayon’s vibrant universe and experience the honor among these artistic thieves.

Perfect for art enthusiasts, graffiti lovers, and anyone captivated by street art, "Honour Amongst Thieves" offers an in-depth look at the creative genius of Kid Crayon and the dynamic art scene in Bristol. Don’t miss your chance to delve into this extraordinary artistic journey.

 “If you like burgers you’ll love Kid Crayon, no correlation, except when you find a juicy one you just have to go back for more.” - Steve Hayles, Founder, UPFEST



DIMENSIONS: A5, Perfect bound, 148mm x 210mm, Full-colour print